Program consists of 10 courses

Master of Industrial Engineering Courses

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  • The course in manufacturing and logistics teaches students the principles and practices involved in the production and distribution of goods. Students will learn about the various stages of the manufacturing process, including product design, sourcing of materials, production planning, quality control, and inventory management. They will also gain insights into the principles of lean manufacturing and techniques for improving operational efficiency. Additionally, the course covers logistics and supply chain management, focusing on topics such as transportation, warehousing, demand forecasting, and order fulfillment. Students will learn about the different strategies and technologies used in logistics management to optimize the flow of goods from suppliers to customers. The course often includes case studies and simulations to provide practical insights into real-world manufacturing and logistics challenges.

  • The course in data collection for engineers teaches students the principles and techniques involved in gathering and analyzing data for engineering purposes. Students will learn about various data collection methods, including surveys, experiments, observations, and sensor-based measurements. The course covers topics such as data sampling, data quality control, data visualization, and statistical analysis. Students will gain practical skills in designing data collection protocols, selecting appropriate instruments and sensors, and managing data sets. They will also learn about data management and storage, data privacy and security, and ethical considerations related to data collection.

  • This course in leadership and managing resources teaches students the essential skills and knowledge needed to effectively lead and manage resources in various organizational settings. Students will learn about different leadership styles, theories, and practices, and how they can be applied to motivate and inspire teams. The course covers topics such as strategic planning, resource allocation, decision-making, and conflict resolution. Students will develop skills in communication, delegation, and problem-solving, as well as learn how to effectively manage time, finances, and human resources. The course may include case studies, simulations, and group projects to provide students with practical experience in applying leadership and resource management principles

  • This course in Queuing Theory teaches students about the mathematical study of queues or waiting lines. Students will explore the principles and models used to understand and analyze the behavior of queues in various systems, such as service centers, transportation networks, and telecommunications. The course covers topics such as arrival and service processes, queueing discipline, system performance metrics, and queueing models like M/M/1, M/M/c, and M/G/1. Students will learn how to calculate key performance measures such as average waiting time, queue length, and utilization. The course also delves into the application of queuing theory in real-world scenarios, such as optimizing service levels, capacity planning, and resource allocation. Students will gain practical skills in designing and managing queues to improve efficiency, minimize waiting times, and enhance customer satisfaction.

  • This course builds upon your accounting knowledge by focusing on advanced financial accounting topics such as consolidations, partnership accounting, and international accounting.

  • The course in human resource management teaches students about the principles and practices involved in effectively managing the human capital within an organization. Students will learn about various aspects of HR management, including recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management, compensation and benefits, employee relations, and legal compliance. The course covers topics such as job analysis, workforce planning, talent acquisition, employee motivation, and employee engagement. Students will also explore the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace and how to create and maintain a positive organizational culture. The course emphasizes the strategic role of HR in driving organizational success and the ethical considerations involved in managing employees. Students will gain practical skills in areas such as conducting interviews, designing training programs, managing employee performance, and resolving conflicts.

  • The course in strategic plans and execution in engineering teaches students the principles and techniques involved in developing and implementing strategic plans within the engineering industry. Students will learn about the process of strategic planning, including analyzing the external environment, identifying organizational goals, and formulating strategies to achieve those goals. The course covers topics such as market analysis, competitive positioning, innovation management, and risk assessment. Students will gain an understanding of how to align strategic plans with an organization's mission and vision, and how to effectively communicate and execute those plans. They will also learn about performance measurement, monitoring, and adjustment of strategic initiatives.

  • The Supply Chain Management course teaches students about the processes and strategies involved in managing the flow of goods, services, and information from the point of origin to the point of consumption. It covers various aspects of supply chain management, including procurement, logistics, inventory management, transportation, and distribution. The course typically explores topics such as supply chain design, demand forecasting, supplier relationship management, warehouse management, and supply chain optimization. It may also delve into areas such as sustainability, risk management, and global supply chain operations. Additionally, the course may incorporate case studies and practical exercises to provide students with a hands-on understanding of real-world supply chain challenges and solutions. The goal is to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively manage and optimize supply chain operations in order to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and meet customer demands.

  • This course in regulations and building laws teaches students the fundamental principles and regulations governing the construction industry. Students will learn about local, national, and international building codes, zoning regulations, safety standards, and environmental laws. The course covers topics such as permits and inspections, building materials and techniques, fire safety, accessibility requirements, and sustainability practices. Students will gain an understanding of the legal and regulatory framework that governs the design, construction, and maintenance of buildings.

  • Provides an integrative experience with all competencies and assessment topics throughout the program. Students synthesize concepts from previously completed coursework and demonstrate an understanding of responsible practices for growing and running a business. This course promotes a meaningful connection between the academic work and career experience.